Welcome To Deaf Smith County Appraisal District!


The latest News and Information


Due to COVID-19

the Appraisal District is Still Open

however, the LOBBY IS CLOSED

For More Information CLICK Here


Holidays (closed days)  2020

Deaf Smith CAD Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

2020 Property Appraisal Notices - Press Release

2020 Property Tax Protest and Appeal Procedures

Online Appeal Instructions

Public Information Requests (requiring data manipulation) Price Change to $75.00 beginning 1/1/2019.

Request for Electronic Communication (Delivery of Certain Notices by E-mail)


Check out the NEWS & INFO button under Links for Budget information, reports and more information for the public.


The Deaf Smith County Appraisal District is a political subdivision of the state of Texas.

The Appraisal District is responsible for appraising property in Deaf Smith County for ad valorem tax purposes on some 12,000 properties for the following taxing units: 


City of Hereford Walcott Independent School District
Deaf Smith County

High Plain Water District

(Deaf Smith County part only)

Hereford Regional Medical Center Deaf Smith County Noxious Weed District
Hereford Independent School District & Amarillo Jr College District 

Adrian, Friona, Vega & Wildorado ISDs 

(Deaf Smith County Part only)


In addition, the Deaf Smith County Appraisal District assesses and collects the property tax for the City of Hereford, Deaf Smith County, Hereford Regional Medical Center, Hereford ISD, Walcott ISD, Amarillo Jr College, High Plains Water District (Deaf Smith County part only) and the Noxious Weed District. 


The Deaf Smith County Appraisal District is committed to serving the taxpayers and the community.